

这使得澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区能够发展其人力资本和服务学生的能力, 通过节约公众委托给澳门正规博彩十大排行平台的宝贵资源——无论是人力资源还是财力资源——来保护员工和社区.

The office advises and represents the Chancellor and the 阿拉莫大学 校董会, 副校长, Presidents and their administrators, 区董事, and others acting on the district's behalf.


  • advising and counseling on all matters having legal significance for the district
  • overseeing the defense of claims and litigation
  • reviewing and/or drafting legal documents like agreements and contracts
  • helping administrators stay informed about legal compliance issues
  • responding to inquiries and investigations (such as those of the EEOC, U. S. Department of Labor, EPA, or law enforcement agencies)
  • 回答校长、学院和地区管理人员在管理如此庞大的商业事务时提出的法律问题, 复杂的组织.

Together with outside counsel and the Training Manager in Employee Services, we also help administrators prevent and resolve employment-related legal claims.

注意: This website is for your general information and education only. What you read here is not legal advice; please do not rely on it as legal advice.

Please consult with the 法律事务厅 if you have questions about how laws, 规则, codes and regulations apply to activities you are planning or in which you are involved. We look forward to working with you.



2005年,州立法机关通过了《澳门正规博彩十大排行平台》第176章,要求社区大学的董事会和校长, 作为地方政府实体, to report conflicts of interest with vendors. 该法规还要求供应商披露与当地政府实体官员的利益冲突. 根据法规,澳门正规博彩十大排行平台的官员和供应商在这个网站上发布利益冲突报告.


For questions regarding procedures, 请联系Pat Meurin, 阿拉莫大学 法律事务厅, 电话485-0060或发邮件至 pmeurin@hostelleriedusuroit.com.


Contracts PowerPoint Training Presentation


Affiliation Agreement Department of Early Childhood and Family Studies
Affiliation Agreement ACCD 大学 Health Care Form 2023
Affiliation Agreement ACCD 大学 Non-Health Care Form 2023
Affiliation Agreement ACCD 大学 Workplace Setting Form 2022
Affiliation Agreement ACCD Facility Health Care Form 2023
Affiliation Agreement ACCD Facility Non-Health Care Form 2023
Alcohol Service Approval Form
Child Care 服务协议表格
Dual Credit Private Charter School MOU
Education Service Agreement 大学 Bound
Facilities Rental Fee Exception Form
Facility Use Agreement Catered Form 2023
Facility Use Agreement Alcohol Served Form
Facility Use Agreement Month or Less - Governmental Form
Facility Use Agreement Month or Less Form
Facility Use Agreement Month or Less In-Kind Consideration Form
Facility Use Agreement Recurring Intermittent Use as Needed Form
Facility Use Agreement Recurring Months Form
Grant 2D Subcontract Federal Funds Only Agreement Form
Grant 2D Subcontract Federal Funds Though Site Agreement Form
Grant 2D Subcontract State Funds Only Funds
Grant Subaward Federal Funds only Agreement Form
Grant Subaward Federal Funds Through State Form
Grant Subaward State Funds only Form
Grant Subcontract After Subaward Federal Funds Only
Grant Sub Contract Agreement (Federal Funds Through State)
Grant Sub Contract Agreement (State)
Grant Subcontract Federal Funds Only Agreement Form
Release and Indemnity General Participation
Release and Indemnity, Higher Risk
服务协议表格 - Catered Alcohol
服务协议表格 - Governmental
服务协议表格 - Grant
服务协议表格 - Low Risk
服务协议表格 - Low Risk- Grant
服务协议表格 Professional - Grant
服务协议表格 Professional


For questions regarding document retention, please contact Marisa Saccio, 阿拉莫大学, at 485-0592 or via e-mail at msaccio@hostelleriedusuroit.com.



Software piracy is the unauthorized duplication, distribution or use of computer software -- for example, making more copies of software than the license allows, or installing software licensed for one computer onto multiple computers or a server.

未经授权复制软件是侵犯版权的行为,将受到民事和刑事处罚. It's illegal whether you use the copied software yourself, give it away, or sell it. 也, 通过未经授权访问软件或提供用于注册软件的序列号来协助盗版也可能是非法的.

What does the 阿拉莫大学 Board Policy say about copyright?

学院区的员工和学生应遵守美国版权法的规定. Subject to certain specific exceptions (i.e., 合理使用原则), the owner of a copyright has the exclusive rights to reproduce, 准备衍生作品, 分发副本, 执行, or publicly display the copyrighted work, or to authorize such acts by others.

Employees and students shall be held accountable for violations of copyright laws. 学院区员工和学生应遵守“非牟利教育机构课堂复制指引协议”,,引用于17 U.S.C. 107. 这些指导方针应通过学院区分发的适当出版物提供.

未经授权的复制, distribution or use of intellectual property, including computer software or sound recordings constitutes copyright infringement, is prohibited by this policy, and is illegal and subject to both civil and criminal penalties.

E.1.7(政策)教学资源:版权材料责任部门:学术成功副校长, 法律服务 Board Adoption: 5-19-09 Last Board Action: 5-19-09

What is the “Fair Use Doctrine”?

版权是美国法律对原创作品作者的一种保护形式,包括文学, 戏剧性的, 音乐的, 艺术, and certain other intellectual works. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works. The 阿拉莫大学 adheres to the requirements of U.S. copyright law and also abides by licensing restrictions that govern the copying of software. 在复制和分发之前,员工不得在未获得书面许可的情况下使用受版权保护的材料.

An exception to the exclusive rights enjoyed by copyright owners is the doctrine of fair use. The fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes of teaching, 奖学金, or research is not an infringement of copyright. The following factors are considered in determining fair use:

  1. The purpose and character of the use, including whether the use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes.
  2. The nature of the copyrighted work.
  3. The amount and importance of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole.
  4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. These criteria should be considered on a case-by-case basis, with some factors weighing heavier than others. 因此, before you conclude that your use of another’s copyrighted work is “fair use,“你应该仔细考虑这些标准,并向负责学业成功的副校长或地区法律服务办公室寻求帮助和指导.
Are colleges exempt from Copyright laws?

"Fair Use" Laws Do Not 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台 to Software
大学 are subject to the same software copyright laws as corporations and individuals. Just as it is wrong to buy one textbook and copy the entire text for many students or faculty, it is wrong for a school to duplicate software without authority from the publisher. 这意味着:

  • 部门不能使用一组磁盘在几台计算机上安装软件,除非购买了多用户许可证. This includes placing software or installers on a networked server for many users to share.
  • 教职员工不得在其家用计算机上安装澳门正规博彩十大排行平台拥有的软件,除非澳门正规博彩十大排行平台为此目的购买了单独的副本. (换句话说, they may not use the same disks to install software on their office and home computers.) This includes desktop and laptop computers obtained through the faculty/staff purchase program.
  • 学生和教师不能为任何目的“借用”或“租用”软件,包括教育用途. A licensed copy must be purchased for each individual. 为了阻止学校里的软件盗版,几乎所有的软件制造商都为教育工作者和学生提供了很大的折扣. Multiple licenses and "lab packs" are also heavily discounted for use by an entire class.

Illegal use of software puts 阿拉莫大学 at risk for fines, 诉讼, loss of access to educational software pricing, and represents unethical conduct that harms the entire academic community

Can I purchase a single license of a software package and load it on several computers?

When you buy software, you do not own the software, only the right to use it. If you purchase one copy, it is only legal for you to install and use one copy on one machine. 从同一磁盘进行多个安装是非法的,除非您购买了多用户许可证.

Loading software on multiple computers using a single license is known as "soft lifting", which is contrary to the terms of a license agreement. 这包括与朋友和同事共享软件,或者在许可证不允许的情况下在家庭/笔记本电脑上安装软件. A good rule of thumb is one software package per computer, unless the terms of the license agreement allow for multiple use of the program.

否则, 该法律规定,任何购买软件副本的人都有权将该副本加载到一台计算机上,并“仅为存档目的”制作另一份副本。.

What do I do if I know someone is using pirated software?

If you see someone copying software illegally or using pirated software, tell them to stop immediately. If they do not stop, please inform your supervisor to take the necessary actions.


May I use the 阿拉莫大学 name or logos?


任何人不得使用澳门正规博彩十大排行平台的任何名称或徽标以认可任何产品或服务的方式, either explicitly or implicitly, without prior written permission from the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor of 金融 and Administration, or a 大学 President at 阿拉莫大学.



阿拉莫大学 法律事务厅

电话: 210-485-0060
传真: 210-486-9867
小时: 星期一至星期五:上午8时.m. - 500 p.m.